On 1st February, Vietnam and EU published the most-near-final text of the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA). Hereinafter is the content of EVFTA.
- Preamble and Chapter 1: Objectives and General Definitions
- Chapter 2: National Treatment and Market Access for Goods
- Annex 2-a: Annex on pharmaceutical products and medical devices
- Annex 2-b: Annex on motor vehicles and motor vehicles’ parts
- Annex 2-c: Reduction and/or elimination of customs duties
+ Annex 2-c-i: Tariff schedule of the EU
+ Annex 2-c-ii: Tariff schedule of Vietnam
- Annex 2-d: Exports duties’ schedule of Vietnam
- Chapter 3: Trade remedies
- Chapter 4: Protocol concerning the definition of the concept of “originating products” and methods of administrative cooperation
- Chapter 5: Customs and Trade facilitation
- Chapter 6: Technical Barriers to Trade
- Chapter 7: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- Chapter 8: Trade in Services, Investment and E-Commerce
- Annex 8-a: Establishment - EU schedule of commitments
- Annex 8-b: Mode 4 - EU schedule of commitments
- Annex 8-c: Cross-Border Supply of Services – EU schedule of commitments
- Annex 8-d: Cross border supply of services and establishment – Vietnam’s schedule of commitments
- Annex 8-e: Mode 4 – Vietnam’s schedule of commitments
- Chapter 9: Government procurement
- Annex 9-a: Annex on transitional measures for the implementation of the government procurement chapter
- Annex 9-b: Government procurement – the EU’s market access offer
- Annex 9-c: Government procurement – Vietnam’s market access offer
- Chapter 10: State Owned Enterprises, enterprises granted special rights or privileges and monopolies
- Annex 10-a: Annex for Vietnam
- Chapter 11: Competition policy
- Chapter 12: Intellectual Property
- Chapter 13: Dispute settlement
- Annex 13-a: Annex I Rules of procedure
- Annex 13-b: Annex II Code of conduct for arbitrators and mediators
- Annex 13-c: Annex III Mediation mechanism
- Chapter 14: Non-tariff barriers to trade and investment in renewable energy generation
- Chapter 15: Trade and Sustainable Development
- Chapter 16:Cooperation and Capacity building
- Chapter 17:Institutional, general and final provisions
- Chapter 18: Transparency
- Chapter 19:Specific measures concerning the management of preferential treatment
- Chapter 20:Protocol on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters
- Chapter 21: Budget clause on management of administrative errors
Source: http://vietnamnews.vn
Keywords: Full text, Vietnam - EU, Free Trade Agreement, EVFTA